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Dr. Amy Moran, Professor

My interests are focused on the evolution and ecology of larvae of marine invertebrates.  In recent years my research program has included larval evolution, the physiological and morphological adaptations of larvae and juveniles to different environmental conditions,  and how environment affects survival, dispersal, and recruitment into adult populations.

Caitlyn Genovese, PhD student, Zoology

I am broadly interested in the physiological and ecological consequences of climate change; particularly the effects of increased temperature on the early life history stages of ecologically important reef invertebrates. I am currently profiling the thermal tolerance windows of larvae from a variety of local species and testing their capacity to acclimatize to increases in environmental temperature. My research aims to determine whether these thermal windows are plastic or fixed within local populations and whether these species have the potential to tolerate projected increases in ocean temperature.

Kanoe Morishige, PhD student, Marine Biology

My goal is to conduct interdisciplinary research integrating 
indigenous knowledge and scientific research to support 
community-based management of coastal ecosystems. I am 
interested in larval and reproductive biology of marine 
invertebrates in Hawaiʻi and other Pacific Islands. This is 
critical information to develop effective spatial, temporal, and
size slot limit management regimes. My dissertation examines
environmental factors that drive spatial and temporal variation
of egg quality and larval fitness of Colobocentrotus atratus 
and Tripneustes gratilla. 

Caitlin Shishido, PhD student, Zoology

I am broadly interested in how changes in environmental temperature, especially global climate change, affect key physiological processes and behavior in marine invertebrates.  I am conducting research on pycnogonids (sea spiders) as part of a larger NSF-funded project investigating how temperature and body size influence metabolism.  I’m also interested in measuring thermal heterogeneity in the Hawai‘ian intertidal zone and utilization of microhabitats by the gastropod Nerita picea (pipipi). 

Sean Wilbur, MS student, Zoology

My current area of study is how increasing global ocean temperatures will affect organisms that live near their physiological limits. Of particular interest to me are the ecological and physiological limits of the wave-swept intertidal sea urchin, Colobocentrotus atratus (Nightfuries).

Wilson Lei, laboratory technician

Wilson is a a graduate of the Marine Biology major at UH and has been with the lab for over two years.  He’s researched the effects of temperature on egg size in Hydroides elegans, and is our resident expert on all things Hydroides.  He’s also widely known for his crazy bench skillz.